Game and engine developed in C++ during the first semester of 2018, in University of Brasília's Introduction to Game Development course.
During the course's awards, we had notable placements in all categories:
- Best Art, 1° Place
- Best Soundtrack, 1° Place
- Best Implementation, Honorable Mention
- Best Game, 2° Place
Puzzle-like game done in 48 hours for the Global Game Jam 2018. The event's theme was "Transmission". You need to change the pipes' direction in a navy ship to send the right transmission to the right person. If you fail, you'll sink it!
Beat'Em Up-like game done in 48 hours for the Ludum Dare 39 Game Jam. The event's theme was "Running out of power". Defeat the scarecrows and get the highest score while managing your health and drunkness!